Journal Publications
  1. Ayesha Khan, Asiya Jawed and Komal Qidwai, Women and protest politics in Pakistan. Gender and Development 29/2-3, pp. 391-410. DOI: 10.1080/13552074.2021.1981623 . December 2021.

  2. Asad Sayeed and Aqdas Afzal, Pakistan’s Macroeconomy and the COVID-19 Pandemic. Jinnah Institute, Islamabad. June 2021.

  3. Nigel Poole, Jessica Agnew, Natasha Ansari, Bhavani R.v, Mar Maestre, Rashid Mehmood and Rohit Parasar, Being realistic about the contribution of private businesses to public nutrition objectives. Food Chain, 9:2, 91–102, Practical Action Publishing. June 2020.

    Keywords: LANSA

  4. Kabeer Dawani and Asad Sayeed, Anti-corruption in Pakistan’s Pharmaceutical Sector: A Political Settlement Analysis. SOAS University of London: Anti-Corruption Evidence (ACE) Research Consortium Working Paper 25. July 2020.

  5. Kabeer Dawani and Rehan Jamil, Rethinking Pakistan’s welfare systems after Covid-19. Dawn. May 2020.

  6. Ayesha Khan and Sana Naqvi, Dilemmas of Representation: Women in Pakistan’s Assemblies. Asian Affairs. Volume 51, Issue 2, pages 286-306. May 2020.

  7. Rebecca Pradeilles, Elizabeth Allen, Haris Gazdar, Hussain Bux Mallah, Azmat Budhani, Rashid Mehmood, Sidra Mazhar, Ayesha Mysorewala, Saba Aslam, Alan D. Dangour and Elaine Ferguson, Maternal BMI mediates the impact of crop-related agricultural work during pregnancy on infant length in rural Pakistan: a mediation analysis of cross-sectional data. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth Vol 19, Issue 504. December 2019.

  8. Nitya Rao, Haris Gazdar, Devanshi Chanchani and Marium Ibrahim, Women's agricultural work and nutrition in South Asia: From pathways to a cross-disciplinary, grounded analytical framework. Food Policy Volume 82, pages 50-62, . January 2019.

  9. Rebecca Pradeilles, Tom Norris, Elaine Ferguson, Haris Gazdar, Sidra Mazhar, Hussain Bux Mallah, Azmat Budhani, Rashid Mehmood, Saba Aslam, Alan Dangour and Elizabeth Allen, Factors associated with catch-up growth in early infancy in rural Pakistan: A longitudinal analysis of the women's work and nutrition study. Maternal and Child Nutrition. November 2018.

  10. Ayesha Khan and Sana Naqvi, Women in Politics: Gaining Ground for Progressive Outcomes in Pakistan. IDS Working Paper 519, Brighton: Institute of Development Studies. November 2018.

  11. Ayesha Khan and Nida Kirmani, Moving Beyond the Binary: Gender-based Activism in Pakistan. Feminist Dissent, Issue 3, pages 151-191. November 2018.

  12. Ayesha Khan, Hina Jilani on the value of the rights discourse in the context of political Islam: Excerpts from an interview with Ayesha Khan. Feminist Dissent, Issue 3, pages 240-247. November 2018.

  13. Mariz Tadros and Ayesha Khan, Challenging Binaries to Promote Women's Equality: Introduction to Special Issue. Feminist Dissent, Issue 3, pages 1-22. November 2018.

  14. Natasha Ansari, Rashid Mehmood and Haris Gazdar, Going Against the Grain of Optimism: Flour Fortification in Pakistan. IDS Bulletin, Volume 49, Issue 1, pages 57-71. February 2018.

  15. Natasha Ansari, Rashid Mehmood and Haris Gazdar, 'Milk for Milk, Water for Water': Analysing Pakistan's Dairy Innovation . IDS Bulletin, Volume 49, Issue 1, pages 91-106. February 2018.

  16. Haris Gazdar, Food Prices and the Politics of Hunger: Beneath Market and State. IDS Bulletin. Volume 46, Issue 6, pages 68-75. November 2015.

  17. Mara Van Den Bold, Neha Kohli, Stuart Gillespie, Samar Zuberi, Sangeetha Rajeesh and Barnali Chakraborty, Is There an Enabling Environment for Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture in South Asia? Stakeholder Perspectives from India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan. Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 2015, Vol. 36(2) 231-247. July 2015.

  18. Naila Kabeer and Ayesha Khan, Cultural Values or Universal Rights? Women's Narratives of Compliance and Contestation in Urban Afghanistan. Feminist Economics, Volume 20, Issue 3, 1 -24. June 2014.

    Keywords: Gender

  19. Haris Gazdar and Hussain Bux Mallah, Informality and Political Violence in Karachi. Urban Studies, 50: 3065-3083. November 2013.

  20. Zulfiqar A. Bhutta, Haris Gazdar and Lawrence Haddad, Seeing the Unseen: Breaking the Logjam of Undernutrition in Pakistan. IDS Bulletin, 44: 1-9. May 2013.

    Keywords: Nutrition

  21. Haris Gazdar and Hussain Bux Mallah, Inflation and Food Security in Pakistan: Impact and Coping Strategies. IDS Bulletin, 44: 31-3. May 2013.

  22. Mysbah Balagamwala and Haris Gazdar, Agriculture and Nutrition in Pakistan: Pathways and Disconnects. IDS Bulletin, 44: 66-74. May 2013.

    Keywords: Agriculture, Nutrition

  23. Ayesha Khan, Induced Abortion in Pakistan: Community-Based Research. Journal of Pakistan Medical Association, vol.63, no.4 (Suppl 3), pp. S27-S32. April 2013.

  24. Haris Gazdar and Hussain Bux Mallah, Class, caste and housing in rural Pakistani Punjab: The untold story of the Five Marla Scheme. Contributions to Indian Sociology; 46(3): 311-336. October 2012.

    Keywords: Caste, Class, Housing, Land

  25. Haris Gazdar and Hussain Bux Mallah, The Making of a 'Colony' in Karachi and the Politics of Regularisation. South Asia Multidisciplinary Academic Journal, Thematic Issue No. 5, Rethinking Urban Democracy. February 2012.

  26. Ayesha Khan, Age at Marriage and Child-bearing in Pakistan. Social Science and Policy Bulletin, Lahore School of Management Sciences, vol. 2 no.3: 13-18. 2011.

  27. Haris Gazdar and Hussain Bux Mallah, Class, Caste and Marla Housing Scheme in Rural Punjab. Social Science and Policy Bulletin Volume:2 No:3 Winter 2011 School of Humanities, Social Science and Law. Lahore University of Management Science. February 2011.

  28. Asad Sayeed, Contextualising Corruption in Pakistan. Social Science and Policy Bulletin, Lahore University of Management Sciences. Vol. 2, No. 1. Summer 2010.

  29. Haris Gazdar and Hussain Bux Mallah, Residential Security as Social Protection. IDS Bulletin, 41:4. July 2010.

  30. Naila Kabeer, Khawar Mumtaz and Asad Sayeed, Beyond Risk Management: Vulnerability, Social Protection and Citizenship in Pakistan. Journal of International Development. Vol. 22, No. 1. January 2010.

  31. Haris Gazdar, Migration Database: Pakistan. Asian and Pacific Migration Journal Vol.17, Issue No. 3,4. 2008.

    Keywords: Migration

  32. Haris Gazdar, Pre-Modern, Modern and Post-Modern Famine: Iraq Under Sanctions. IDS Bulletin, November 2004.