Saman Qureshi

Reports and Publications at the Collective

  1. Haris Gazdar, Ayesha Khan and Saman Qureshi, Causes and Implications of Induced Abortion in Pakistan: A Social and Economic Analysis. Karachi. Collective for Social Science Research. June 2012.

  2. Ayesha Khan and Saman Qureshi, Researching Forced Migration in Pakistan: An Introduction to Research Ethics, Quantitative and Qualitative Methods. Community Appraisal and Motivation Programme. 2011. Islamabad: CAMP. 2011.

  3. Saman Qureshi, Exploring the Links between Contraception, Abortion and Maternal Health in Pakistan,Resource Brief No.3. Collective for Social Science Research. January 2010.

    Keywords: Health, Gender

  4. Haris Gazdar, Ayesha Khan and Saman Qureshi, Measuring the Economic Costs of Unsafe Abortion Mortality and Morbidity in Pakistan: Preliminary Findings and Survey Design. Collective For Social Science Research, Karachi. January 2010.

    Keywords: Health, Gender

Press Publications

  1. Saman Qureshi, Mothers not Martyrs. The News. October 2009.

    Keywords: Health, Gender