Haris Gazdar, Ayesha Khan and Saman Qureshi, Causes and Implications of Induced Abortion in Pakistan: A Social and Economic Analysis. Karachi. Collective for Social Science Research. June 2012.
Keywords: Economy, Gender, Health, Maternal Health
Ayesha Khan and Saman Qureshi, Researching Forced Migration in Pakistan: An Introduction to Research Ethics, Quantitative and Qualitative Methods. Community Appraisal and Motivation Programme. 2011. Islamabad: CAMP. 2011.
Saman Qureshi, Exploring the Links between Contraception, Abortion and Maternal Health in Pakistan,Resource Brief No.3. Collective for Social Science Research. January 2010.
Haris Gazdar, Ayesha Khan and Saman Qureshi, Measuring the Economic Costs of Unsafe Abortion Mortality and Morbidity in Pakistan: Preliminary Findings and Survey Design. Collective For Social Science Research, Karachi. January 2010.
Saman Qureshi, Mothers not Martyrs. The News. October 2009.