Mainstreaming Inclusive Resilience in South Asia

(November 2018 - December 2019)

The World Bank's South Asia Disaster Risk Management (DRM) team has commenced a new regional Technical Assistance (TA): Mainstreaming Inclusive Resilience in South Asia to proactively incorporate social inclusion in the existing and new DRM lending portfolio. The objectives of this assignment are: (i) to develop action plans for five pilot projects, that are either new or existing, to better address social inclusion in the project design or implementation stage; and (ii) to design and deliver training workshops that help government counterparts and World Bank Teams, particularly the DRM and Social Development teams, to design more socially inclusive DRM projects.
Publications and Papers
  1. Ayesha Mysorewala, Climate Action in Pakistan: Policies at the Top versus Voices at the Bottom. Collective Blog. September 2019.

  2. Ayesha Mysorewala and Saba Aslam, The language of disability. Collective Blog. May 2019.