Drivers of Pro-Poor Change in Pakistan

(July 2003 - January 2004)

DFID sponsored study with a focus on the structural impediments to pro-poor change. The study was managed in Pakistan by the Collective. Specific contributions of research staff included a scoping paper by Haris Gazdar and Asad Sayeed, a paper on industrial capital by Khalid Nadvi and Asad Sayeed, a paper on the civil society by Ayesha Khan and Rabia Khan, a paper on Bureacracy by Asad Sayeed and Ali Cheema and a paper on the political economy of land ownership by Haris Gazdar. The Drivers work done for DFID has been accepted for publication as an edited volume by Oxford University Press.
Publications and Papers
  1. Asad Sayeed and Ali Cheema, Bureaucracy and Pro-Poor Change. Working Paper No. 3. Pakistan Institute of Development Studies, Islamabad. 2006.

    Keywords: Political Economy

  2. Ayesha Khan and Rabia Khan, Civil Society and Social Change in Pakistan. Mimeograph. Collective for Social Science Research, Karachi. March 2004.

    Keywords: Civil Society

  3. Haris Gazdar and Asad Sayeed, Drivers of Pro-Poor Change in Pakistan: Scoping Paper. Mimeograph. Collective for Social Science Research, Karachi. December 2003.

    Keywords: Political Economy

  4. Haris Gazdar, The Land Question. Mimeograph. Collective for Social Science Research, Karachi. December 2003.

    Keywords: Land, Political Economy

  5. Ayesha Siddiqa, The Politics of Military's Economic Interests. Mimeograph. Collective for Social Science Research, Karachi. December 2003.

    Keywords: Political Economy

  6. Asad Sayeed and Khalid Nadvi, Industrial Capital and Pro-Poor Change. Mimeograph. Collective for Social Science Research, Karachi. December 2003.

    Keywords: Political Economy

  7. Kamran Asdar Ali, Islam, Politics and Change. Mimeograph. Collective for Social Science Research, Karachi. December 2003.

    Keywords: Political Economy

  8. Ali Cheema and Shandana Khan Mohmand, Local Government Reforms in Pakistan: Legitimising Centralisation or a Driver for Pro-Poor Change? Mimeograph. Collective for Social Science Research, Karachi. December 2003.